Avantis Estate: Evia, GR
Art, Innovation and Tradition
Address: Mytika Lilantio 34100 - Evia, Greece Telephone: 22210 55350 Website: http://www.avantiswines.gr/en/
Located on the Greek island of Evia is the Avantis Winery. Apostolos Mountrichas and wife, Lenga Grigoriadou, currently run this boutique winery located in the village of Mytikas, right in the middle of the Lilantium plain. Both Aposotolos and Lenga have a degree in oenology, and work together to ensure superior production of their wines. The owners of Avantis Estate have a passion and vision of creating great wines from Evia, in hopes of replictating the wines consumed during ancient times. Apostolos has become the brains and soul of Avantis Estate, and has successfully been producing wine for the last 18 years with his first vinification- taking place in 1994.
The vineyards of Avantis Estate expand to about 50 acres in size, and sit at an altitude of 250-500 m. The soil in the area ranges from clay, sandy clay, gravel and stone texture, depending on the location. The grapes experience a “Mediterranean” climate on the island; meaning they have cold winters, hot summers and long dry autumns. The long periods of sunshine that the grapes endure help them to ripen to the ideal point in order to make some great wine!
Both Apostolos and Lenga work really hard to make their dream come true, which is – being able to produce high quality wines and to revive the vineyards of EVIA. Today Avantis Estate is considered one of the top 20 wineries in all of Greece.